Our commitments

A reduced carbon footprint because all our manufacturing takes place in France: our products are designed in Montreuil and made in France by craftsmen engaged in a responsible manufacturing process.

A choice of respectful materials: our papers all come from managed forests in Europe and we mostly use vegetable-based inks. We have chosen a printer who has received the imprim' vert label.

Committed service providers with strong social responsibility: we work with an ESAT for the packaging of our products and our logistician promotes social inclusion through work by employing employees who need to reintegrate into the job market.

Productions are established as accurately as possible: we thus limit unsold items, destruction or balances resulting from surpluses. If we have a few products left, we choose to donate them to solidarity sales.

Manufacturing yes, but not just any old way

Since launching the brand in 2012, we've strived to question our relationship with consumption, the production of objects and the use of the planet's resources.

We have chosen our partners for their know-how but also for their human and ecological commitment, and we take particular care in selecting raw materials with a view to quality and eco-responsibility.

We reduce packaging as much as possible and give preference to recycled and recyclable materials.

When we talk about production, we must also talk about stocks and unsold products. We always try to produce the right quantities, and thus limit unsold stock. And because it's not an exact science, when we have stock left over, we donate our products to the AIDES solidarity sale.

So not everything is perfect, but we're working to make the production and marketing of our products ever more responsible and transparent.

Produce yes, but not just anything

It's not by chance that we've chosen to create stationery, wallpaper or plaids.

When we imagine an object, we think about the place it will take in everyday life, its durability, the relevance of its use, but also the joy it will bring you.e

Made in France, yes, but especially where the know-how is.

We opted for 100% French manufacturing.

Firstly, because it was obvious to us and a question of common sense: produce as locally as possible, use French know-how, support local businesses... Secondly, for practical reasons: it's quicker and easier to get to your manufacturer if he's only a few dozen or a few hundred kilometers away, which facilitates exchanges and meetings.

We've been working with the same partners since the early days of the brand. We are proud to have built strong working relationships with them, based on mutual trust.

Although all our products are currently made in France, we are not closed to considering other manufacturing sites in the future, should the know-how required for other objects we wish to create be found elsewhere.

Selling quality products at fair prices

We strive to create quality objects, conscientiously crafted by qualified people, with beautiful, well-sourced materials, produced with respect for the environment, in France no less. And this comes at a cost.

Since the launch of the brand, we've tried to price our products as fairly as possible. We prefer small production runs, to limit stocks and allow greater flexibility. This has an impact on our margins and explains why we almost never have sales and rarely offer promotional codes.


A reduced carbon footprint because all our manufacturing takes place in France: our products are designed in Montreuil and made in France by craftsmen engaged in a responsible manufacturing process.

A choice of respectful materials: our papers all come from managed forests in Europe and we mostly use vegetable-based inks. We have chosen a printer who has received the imprim' vert label.

100% French manufacturing and committed partners

100% French manufacturing and committed partners

Committed service providers with strong social responsibility: we work with an ESAT for the packaging of our products and our logistician promotes social inclusion through work by employing employees who need to reintegrate into the job market.

Productions are established as accurately as possible: we thus limit unsold items, destruction or balances resulting from surpluses. If we have a few products left, we choose to donate them to solidarity sales.